Electronic IC

Integrated circuits (ICs) are the most necessary part of semiconductor technology. Electronic ICs, which consist of multiple transistors, resistors, and capacitors on a single chip, power a vast array of devices. Semiconductor ICs enable electronic components to have enhanced performance and efficiency by providing more space because of their small size. Digital integrated circuits have been focused on processing digital signals. These ICs are the brains behind computing devices, providing the logic and memory functions that drive digital technology. ICs have applications in micro-controllers and memory chips across different Electronic industries. Explore more in detail on ICs from top brands such as Mindmotion Microelectronics, AIT semiconductor, Microchip and many more in this category.

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AIT Semiconductor
Analog Devices Inc
MindMotion Microelectronics (HK) Limited
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MindMotion MM32F0010A1T (TR)
Mindmotion MM32F0010A1T (TR) - IC-2604-D
IK SEMICON ILX232DT SOIC Interface Transceiver - IC-3055-D

Stock Available : 59981

Unisonic Technologies 10A 800V N-channel Power MOSFET
Unisonic Technologies 10A 800V N-channel Power MOSFET - IN-2561-D

Stock Available : 20

AiT semiconductor Battery Management IC_A4055E5R
AiT Semiconductor Battery Management IC_A4055E5R-IC-589-D

Stock Available : 101880

AiT semiconductor A6303DE5R-33- CMOS LDO REGULATOR
AiT Semiconductor A6303DE5R-33- CMOS Low Dropout Voltage Regulator (LDO) - IC-1601-
Unisonic Technology 7.0A, 800V N-Channel Power MOSFET - IN-2562-D
Unisonic Technology 7.0A, 800V N-Channel Power MOSFET - IN-2562-D
AIT Semiconductor AM2304AE3R SOT-23 - IC-3575-D
AIT Semiconductor N-channel MOSFET AM2304AE3R - IC-3575-D

Stock Available : 15

MindMotion MM32G0001A1T
Mindmotion MM32G0001A1T (TR) - IC-3407-D

Stock Available : 4512

MindMotion MM32G0001A6T

Stock Available : 2246

MindMotion MM32F0020B1T (TR)
Mindmotion MM32F0020B1T (TR) - IC-2707-D

Stock Available : 28817

IK SEMICON IL2576-5.0D2T-P Step-Down Switching Regulator
IK Semicon IL2576-5.0D2T-P Step-Down Switching Regulator-IC-3459-D
AIT Semiconductor A4056BE5R SOT-25 - IC-3568-D
AIT Semiconductor Battery Management A4056BE5R - IC-3568-D

Stock Available : 2735

IKSEMICON IL1117C-3.3 Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator SOT 223
IL1117C-3.3 SOT 223 Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator - IC-3458-D

Stock Available : 770

MindMotion MM32F0010A6T

Stock Available : 1860


Stock Available : 121

IK SEMICON IL2576-ADJD2T-P Switching Regulator
IK SEMICON IL2576-ADJD2T-P Switching Regulator- IC-3326-D

Stock Available : 2598

MindMotion MM32G0001A6T1V
Mindmotion MM32G0001A6T1V - IC-3432-D

Stock Available : 6060

MindMotion MM32F0144C6P
Mindmotion MM32F0144C6P - IC-2695-D

Stock Available : 3432

MindMotion MM32F3273G8P
Mindmotion MM32F3273G8P - IC-3076-D

Stock Available : 630

IK SEMICON IL2576-5V Switching Regulator
IL2576-5V Switching Regulator - IC-3280-D

Stock Available : 1600

A7425M8R- DC DC converter
A7425M8R- DC DC converter
MM32F0273D7P - IC-2928-D
IKSEMICON IL2596-5.0D2T-P Switching Voltage Regulators
IKSEMICON IL2596-5.0D2T-P Switching Voltage Regulators - IC-3460-D

Stock Available : 1695

IKSEMICON IL2596-ADJD2T-P - Switching Voltage Regulator Adjustable - IC-3600-D
Power Integrations LYT6068C - IC-371-D
Power Integrations LYT6068C - IC-371-D
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